
Sustainability in Hydroscand Energy

Hydroscand Group’s sustainability work is characterized by responsibility, transparency, ethical behavior and respect for our stakeholders.

For Hydroscand Energy, our aim for focusing on sustainability, is to strengthen our basis for long-term value-creation and its contributions to sustainable development. An important part is taking responsibility for the impact of our activities and decisions on society, people and the environment.

Our set goals are manifested by Hydroscand Group and are shown in our year wheel.

Our focus areas:

SustainabilityReport2021_brochure_A4_s8.jpg SustainabilityReport2021_brochure_A4_s9.jpg

Hydroscand's School Project

Hydroscand works actively to support various activities in Appelsbosch, South Africa, where we engage in the school and preschool. Hydroscand also awards scholarships annually to the school's best student or students. Read more about the project here.